Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Notebook Junkie

I just bought a $5.00 notebook at the bookstore. I think I'm in love.

It's adorable! With little swirlies and turtles in blue. And it's made out of banana paper. Go green? (Eat a chimney, save a tree!) And it's got a folder pocket in it and everything!

And why did I spend money when I still have to perfectly good notebooks back at the dorm? Because of NaNoWriMo of course!

I can't use just any plain old notebook for NaNo! (I am way too excited about this.) I'm going to plot and plan (evil plots, evil plans), and write up some descriptions (*gulp*), and even paste in some pictures! The pictures are my goal for the weekend. I'm so bad at envisioning characters that I've decided I need some help.

Oh, and I might want to come up with names for more than two of my characters. Heh. Hehe. Yeah.

Only two more days til I meet Cadence. 'Tis am very 'cited. Yuppers.



Nathaniel said...

That sound's like you always a new cooler notepad. I will stick to my keyboard thanks.

Crystal said...

You have a new sentence a day, good for you!
So what's with the chimney?

Ashley E said...

Gingerbread houses one year. Seems like we always have too many chimneys...