Monday, August 14, 2006

It has Begun

The Invasion has begun. The gates are open. And the world is utterly defenseless and unprepared.

Okay, so officially we haven't been sent an e-mail saying that it's begun (the numbers are active). But how can you pass up such a beautiful oppurtunity?! So I gave the link at the BotB forum. I couldn't resist. And as it's hopefully starting up today (sometime...) there was no logical reason not to. willynate has said that he has gotten the e-mail and has reported 5 sign-ups (and therefore 5 points). I don't really know what to think as no one else has said anything. I really wish gerrardfan would get on and help us out. We may be pretty self-sufficient and running but we don't know everything.

Soon, my precious, soon we shall overcome. ... And rule!

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