Sunday, August 30, 2009

Post Visitation Lassitude

I have a severe case. For supper I ate Lucky Charms with soy milk and an apple. Amazing the things you miss, eh? Anyway, I suppose I'll get over it quickly enough. I'll have work and school to keep me busy the rest of the week and then it's Labor Day! Thank God for holidays. I wouldn't survive without them.

So I got the rough draft of my German phone conversation down. I'm not sure that the grammar makes any sense, but hey, what I got's, I got's. Now I just have to try to polish it up some. At least he didn't specify a length to it. It's the small things, yeah?

*wanders off humming: "Magic makes the monster sleepy....*

*wanders back, still humming* P.S. I really want to see "9" now. :D


Anonymous said...

We're back on line now so that should make everyone happy. I'm praying for you.
Glad you got the German done.

Unknown said...

what the heck is 9?

Ashley E said...

It's a Tim Burton movie that I sincerely think I'll have to go see in theater. :)

Anonymous said...

What's the name and artist of the song you're humming?

Ashley E said...

Magic by Pamela somebody....