Saturday, August 04, 2007

Almost home...

I can't believe it! In only two more days I leave! I love it here, but I am so excited to be going home.
Today was the last day of ministry and my first time telling my testimony. I was so nervous, but I actually did a good job of it. It was really weird getting up there and telling people about my life, but it was amazing too. I wasn't much in the mood to talk afterwards though. Poor Megan. I'm glad it's over though. I am so worn out. Everything aches!
Tonight will be relaxing anyway. Well sorta. JR is giving a full-length concert. Woohoo! I've seen a few of their songs and it's amazing. They are so good. Although they should be with all the training they get. I may sit through the concert though. :)
People from the JR team start leaving tomorrow morning. I'm so sad. I'm going to miss these people so much. Especially Solveig and Zsuzsanna. Monday is going to be a very long day. Literally for one. But also just with all the goodbyes. I've been with these people for 4 weeks. I'm going to miss them so much. But I can't wait to go home. And read. *grins* And write!!
Sunday is debriefing and packing for the GE people. I'm not sure what all that involves, but as long as it's not physical, I am beyond happy. There's also been the rumor that wake-up time monday is 0400. I praying it's not.
I don't really know what to say. I know you back home probably have a ton of questions, but you'll have to wait just a little longer. I love you all so much.
Hey, dad. Mee-meep!
Love, Ashley
P.S. I'm sending this to my blog too, Tasha. That's why the Ley. I've gone by that on a couple of different forums. Long story how it got to that. *smiles*


Nathaniel said...

Hey, Can't wait to see you and Crystal.

Nathaniel said...

I'm dying you guys are only in DC and yet sooooo far away.

Unknown said...

yay! i'm sooo glad that you guys are back. haha i thought it was hilarious last night when you both wouldn't stop talking. lol

Nathaniel said...

You need to update soon. That is before you get busy with school. (Why is update such a hard word to spell today.)

Unknown said...

yeah, seriously...update