Monday, October 19, 2009


I was stunned today as I left history class. We finally received our third essays back, a book essay on Innocent Traitor, which unfortunately, I did not finish. Good book though. The essay, totally winged in the forty minutes we had. I got lucky with the topic. Apparently I also picked the less popular one, good move, I guess.

I came out of there with 40 points out of 40. And I didn't even get the bonus questions right. A perfect essay. Gott sei Dank.

This will never happen again. Yeesh.


Anonymous said...

Hey, it's what college is about. Get you to think on your feet, even if you don't have all the answers.


Nathaniel said...

Well, now you can join the elite group called academics. I just scored 100 of 100 points on my speech.

Ashley E said...


Crystal said...

You need to edit your post and have it say, "And I didn't even get the bonus questions right." lol Hope your having fun! I feel better. lol

Ashley E said...

Oops. LOL Thanks!

Unknown said...

YAY! lol