Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First Day of School

The weekend was a blast, but also exhausting, even though I didn't do much. I got sick. As in, fever and chills, miserable weakling, sick. But it was still fun. Except for the whole, you know, doing stuff thing.

Unfortunately, that didn't add up for the best first day of school. But, hey! we all survived, right?

Ah... Right?

Yeah, of course. Anyway, it was still a good day other than that little issue with Rosetta Stone. Everybody finished everything they were supposed too... except for that walk I was supposed to take. Sshhh..

It was definately hectic. Noisy. It'll take some getting used to. All this school stuff and people again. But it's worth it.

Ich liebe Deutsch und Schule!

(I'm hoping that's right. *grins*)



Nathaniel said...

That bit with Rosetta Stone was sort of amusing I though. I didn't have to fix it though because for one I didn't have a clue. I don't think that's fair about the walk you should have to walk all weekend. j/k.

Ashley E said...

At least I caused someone some enjoyment with that 'episode'. *pouts*
And I don't take walks because... uh... yeah(!)... I'm special. *nods*